Thursday, August 30, 2012


The pros and cons of owning your own business are vast. Few among them are PROS - Control, Money, Creativity, Freedom... CONS - Uncertainty, Risk, Lack of structure. Having taken all these factors into cognisance, I think we should ponder on the word FREEDOM. What does it mean to you? Do you long for it?

With freedom comes great responsibility. Many atimes, people mishandle it because they believe starting or owning your own business means sleeping early and waking up late; going for leisure during active hours; pursuing luxury with their capital. This has led to the collapse of several businesses. As a just and diligent minded person, your story should not be so. You should start, grow and sustain your own business while you use your freedom wisely.

Meet you at the top.

Success Management

We all aspire success. However, success do not teach us anything, but failure taught us to ask better questions. The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure. Failure does not mean we are failure by nomenclature. Less wonder T. S. Elliot said and I quote: "Success is relatively what we can make of the mess we have made of things."

In actual fact, we should both learn when we succeed and/or fail. But we seldom learn in success because of the pride it reinforces. In this context, kindly remember King Nebuchadnezzar who said, "This is the great Babylon which I have built by the might of my power and the glory of my majesty." Meanwhile all glory unarguably belong to God.

Hmmm...great success pave the way to illusions of omnipotence and the feeling of self-sufficiency. Dear leaders, don't fall into perils of success. Manage your little and gigantic feats and tow the path of greatness.

Have a SUCCESS-full week!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


When I was working in the Insurance industry, there was a lot of talk about target and how people are going extra miles to meet it.

However, I remember one of my colleagues who always maintain that target is not to be met but to be maintained. In other words, target is a driving factor. A motivation which most of the times turn out to be negative.

Perhaps target could be self-imposed. You may tell yourself that you must attain certain level of work. I often do that and it has helped me a lot of times.

For example, I blog on several social media at specified time and keep to this. But when I fail to meet up, I always feel bad.

In view of the above, I am tendering my unreserved apology for my inability to do my usual two blogs in the month of July 2012.

It is well.

The Market of Hope

Oxford dictionary defined hope as a feeling of expectation and desire for a particular thing to happen. Another version called archaic put i...