It is often said that Great Leaders are Great Readers. I have heard people say: "leaders are readers" severally. It made a big impression on me and I never forgot it. I cogitated on how the phrase must have been coined, but I must have recited it in my head hundreds of times. I doubted, perused and absorbed it to be true. Therefore, it is not out of context if we say Readers are Leaders!
Reading is a very interesting for avid readers but boring activity for those who have or would never tried. Of course, it doesn't follow that all readers are leaders, but I think we can safely say with little exception, all leaders are readers. If that's true, then why don't more people read? However, it is not out of place to aver that every human being does not aspire to be leaders. Some people are satisfied to be follower-driven all their life.
Research has shown that only ten percent of the people who begin reading a non-fiction book ever get beyond the first chapter. It's been shown that people's earnings are in direct proportion to their vocabularies. In other words, those who have larger vocabularies have greater responsibility and earn the most money - with very few exceptions. I know for sure that most people want to earn more money, so why is it that they don't study more? It is sad to note that Nigeria and counties have few libraries. Meanwhile I read recently that less than four percent of the American people own a library card. Can you imagine? American have the best free libraries in the world but they are vastly under-utilised.
Reading about Abraham Lincoln I realised that he used to walk miles to borrow and return books. He read them by candlelight after working long, hard days. Do you think his reverence and devotion to books made a difference in his ability as a leader of our troubled nation? I do. The good news is that people are reading more than they used to. But it is still far from what it supposed to be in the 21st century. In spite of sales and purchase of books, it's not enough!
I cannot go into a bookstore without buying a book. My personal library is my most valued material possession and I take pride in adding to it regularly. Please ask my wife. She oftentimes ask me to choose between her and my books. I have several non-fiction books. I've even read most of them. and my soul yearn for more. This should be true for any serious student of success.
If you are committed to be all that you are capable of being, I implore you to become a voracious and avid reader. A book a month will keep you even. It takes effort, but it's worth it. Since it is often said that "what is worth doing at all is worth doing well" read when you like to read. If you don't like reading encourage yourself. It's just something that you have to do. This is because reading is a means to an end.
If you develop the habit of reading, you will start to enjoy it. You'll look forward to it, your thinking will sharpen, your vocabulary will increase, and you will become a more interesting person.
Remember, leaders are readers.
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