Saturday, July 10, 2010

Two Things

Left or Right; Good or Bad; Right or Wrong; Fast or Slow; Above or Below; Top or Bottom; Succeed or Fail; Short or Tall; Big or Small; Straight or Crook;Light or Darkness; Smart or Dull; Sweet or Bitter; True or False; Open or Close; Here or There; Far or Near; Male or Female; Foolish or Wise; Profit or Loss; Positive or Negative; First or Last…

The above array of real life dual concepts beget the term 'choice'. Apart from those that are dictated by nature, these twin scenarios are what we face in real life situation where we are compel to make choice which may in turn make or mar us. According to Brian Tracy, everything you do in life involves a choice, a decision on your part. Because you have so many options, you are constantly choosing among alternatives, between what you value more and what you value less.

Choice consists of the mental process of judging the merits of any of these twin options and selecting only one of them. Meanwhile a choice can be made between imagined options which may sound like "what would I do if ...?", but a choice is made between real options, and followed by the corresponding action.

Choice may be rational or otherwise. It may be intuitive or primitive. Most of the times , it depends greatly on cognition and feeling. There is no gainsaying that a sane man would choose bad and ignore good. But it's all happening in our society. People will choose to be wicked rather than being humane. Some people will be dinning and wining with ignorance at the expenses of knowledge which is attainable even in the woods.

Behold, your choices and actions tell you and others what you truly value the most, or intend that reveals your character. It is only what you do at the moment of choosing, especially when you have to choose between what is right and what is expedient. The choice you make today will make or mar your tomorrow.


“Nobody ever did, or ever will, escape the consequences of his choices.” -Alfred A. Montapert

Ain't you rather stand for that which is right?!

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