Intuition is an impression that something might be the case. It is a powerful word that represent the knowledge, understanding and notion we activate and exhibit in handling issues of life. Expressly, leadership intuition often separates the greatest leaders from merely good ones. Some people are born with great leadership intuition; others have to work hard to develop and hone it. It is worthy of note that both whether natural or developed exhibit intuitive knowledge and skills.
It however evolves, the results is a combination of natural ability and learned skilled. This informed intuition makes crucial issues jump out at the leader, enabling him or her to handle them and work with them to accomplish leadership goals.
Based on my research work, every successful leader sees every situation in terms of available resources: money, raw materials, technology and most important, people. Intuitive leaders can sense what is happening among their people and almost instantly knows their hopes, fears and concerns. Leaders also have the ability to step back from what is happening and see not only where they and their subjects have gone, but also where they are headed as if they can smell change in the wing. That's intuition!
Everyone has some kind of intuition especially in his or her area of natural giftedness, If your gift is charity, then you can sense when someone needs help and comfort and you know how to give it. If service is your gift, you instinctively know when and how to help those in need (for a reasonable fee). And if you are naturally gifted at leadership, then you see everything with a leadership bias.
1. An intuition leader can quickly size up a situation
2. An intuition leader sees what has happened
3. Intuition leaders know how to resource their vision
4. Skill with people is perhaps the greatest ability of an intuition leader.
5. An intuition leader reads himself. He understands his strengths, his weaknesses and his individual calling.
Intuition, whether natural or developed intentionally, helps a good leader to become a great leader.