A brand new year is here and it could mean a new start in life. As living souls, we are obliged to celebrate the year past and be so grateful for all the many things we received. The Hymn say "count your blessings, name them one by one and it would surprise you what the Lord has done". In the same vein, we have a New Year to celebrate for the new experiences and lessons we shall receive.
As grateful people, we should have a celebration for both the Old year and the coming New Year, with new hopes, new directions that shall translate into some improvements.
Eventhough there are often times misconception as to what people celebrate: Old year or New year. I have heard majority celebrate the triumph into the New year while they do not see anything significant about the New year. However, the celebration for the Old Year passing is significant and relevant. This is because it prepares one for the New and better year ahead. Retrospectively, some people write down on a paper those things that took place in the Old year: that is their good, bad and ugly experiences. Then they take another piece of paper and writes what they would like to achieve the next year. This list is kept and placed where they could see it each day. These are referred to as goals or resolutions for the New Year.
In the past years, I have seen resolutions broken, even before the end of the first month of the year. Some people hide under the guise of changing all the time to get different results. In a way, they breed acts of indiscipline which is bane of our inability to keep and maintain our resolutions.
According to Femi-Daniels Aidamenbor, "if you work for something bigger or more important than yourself; fix your mind on the positive. You will find yourself ending each day feeling more fulfilled than the last. You might also find that somehow things will just work out for you a little better than they did before! This will hopefully reinforce this new found positive behavior: by focusing and setting your mind on the good, while pressing forward, you will be lead towards what drives you!"

The Holy Book says, “In God, all things are possible.” When we separate from our arrogance and ego, and we set record straight from outset, the Bible statement is true.
Like it is expected of a leader, lead by example. Below are my resolutions for the coming year:
*Read a book a month
*Write a book
*Keep a diary
*Partake in some form of physical exercise daily
*Strengthen my relationship with God
*Gain more friends
*Go to bed at a reasonable hour, (before 12) 11 o clock.
*Be more time conscious
*Get more organised and stick to plans!
*Study more every night
*Save money!
*Enhance my skills and talent, and create wealth
*Try to love myself and have more confidence
*Spend less time on anything that is not adding tangible value to me and
*I want to walk the talk!
In sum, let be focused, let's have sense of purpose, let's back what we say with action.
Make good resolutions, if you stick to them, you will become a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled person. Happy New Year in advance to you all.